As a small ‘boutique’ analyst firm, we can’t chase and cover every business trend and every technology space. So at Constellation Research we choose to look at key business trends that are relevant for forward thinking businesses. Technology per se is cool, but way too hard to deal with for fun and no direct impact on a business, so we leave that coverage to our friends, the geeks (though we geek off pretty deeply sometimes, too).
One of the most prominent business trends is Digital Disruption – that changes the way how enterprises operate from the front to the back office and back. The trend has a major impact when it happens in an industry – we are all great at looking at it in the rear view mirror. It is pretty clear what has happened e.g. to the newspaper industry and the taxi industry.
One of the most prominent business trends is Digital Disruption – that changes the way how enterprises operate from the front to the back office and back. The trend has a major impact when it happens in an industry – we are all great at looking at it in the rear view mirror. It is pretty clear what has happened e.g. to the newspaper industry and the taxi industry.
But it is very hard to predict when change will reach the industry one works in. Even harder to take the action to be the leader, the risk taker, the pioneer to transform an industry. It takes a lot of guts to be such a leader, and not only risk and gamble ones enterprise, but change the direction of the whole industry. For the few who have done it, it has been an exhilarating journey and truly transformational – on any level.
If you want to learn more about digital disruption – then join my colleagues Dr. Natalie Petouhoff, Ray Wang, many more and me for a fast paced, informational and fun sprinkled half day in San Francisco on May 4th. Seats are filling fast - but there is room to bring a colleague.
If you want to learn more about digital disruption – then join my colleagues Dr. Natalie Petouhoff, Ray Wang, many more and me for a fast paced, informational and fun sprinkled half day in San Francisco on May 4th. Seats are filling fast - but there is room to bring a colleague.