Nonetheless there are some takeaways for the enterprise – here are my Top3:
- Universal Windows App – The dividend of running an OS from the same software vendor are synergies. So Microsoft creation of the universal Windows app is not of a surprise (more – why only now?). So one application can re-use most of its code artefacts (Microsoft says up to 90%) and be shared across smartphones, tablets and PCs running Windows 8.1. With the addition of xBox and Kinect there are new applications in store - as well as opportunity for enterprise applications to get on the first screen.
For enterprises this means that achieving a consistent and familiar user experience is now in reach – even for in house custom apps. For purchased apps the informed enterprise buyer will ask their ISV in regards of ETA of bringing their applications to the universal Windows App platform.
- Nokia Lumia 63x– Stephen Elop presented a number of new phones and while the high end ones are surely interesting in richer markets around the world, the Lumia 6.3x will make an impact around the world (interesting it is not launching in the US early). It matters for enterprises as the price point of under $200 makes this an affordable, but powerful device to be deployed across the world.
A common, worldwide user experience with all its benefits is now in reach for enterprise deployments. And the dual SIM card will make telecom procurement managers in enterprises really happy – as an elegant way to easily control and reduce roaming costs.
- Free Windows for smartphones and small tablets– Microsoft also announced that it will make Windows available for no license cost – as long as it is supposed to run on phones or tablets with less than 9 inches screen diagonal. It matters for enterprises as now you not only have the software tools to build universal Windows apps, a price effective hardware device, you will also see even lower device prices going forward across the board due to no operation royalty costs.
In one of the more ironic twists of the smartphone wars, Microsoft makes more in royalty from the sales of some Android phones from IP loyalties - than from selling Windows Phone.
A more consumer and developer focused start of Build – but with plenty of repercussions and implications for the enterprise. More consistent user experience across more powerful and cost effective devices is a good news for enterprises.
Here is a Storify tweet collection of the Day 1 Keynote.
More about Microsoft:
- Microsoft gets even more serious about devices - acquire Nokia - read here.
- Microsoft does not need one new CEO - but six - read here.
- Microsoft makes the cloud a platform play - Or: Azure and her 7 friends - read here.
- How the Cloud can make the unlikeliest bedfellows - read here.
- How hard is multi-channel CRM in 2013? - Read here.
- How hard is it to install Office 365? Or: The harsh reality of customer support - read here.